So the wise words of my father came through. tomorrow will be a new day. and calvin's advice helped too. yesterday he told me sometimes you need to look at yourself in the mirror and just see yourself as an animal. yesterday wasn't supreme, but i know i will remember it for a long time, and when i went to look in the mirror, i thought of how wierd we look as humans! it made me feel more normal, thanks calvin!!
i woke up this morning and felt brand new, plus i found out that danielle and zack are working for the red roaster. zack is a personable, expert-pouring, ex-army new employee who i remember sitting with at alex p's over a beer, and danielle...well i think you have all seen danielle at one point or another. she's a hot, soft-spoken but blunt hippie that made the most amazing suggestions on her very first day. danielle makes me happy. and her, beth and i are going to enquire more about the markets policy on composting because we thought it was wrong to just keep throwing away old coffee grinds. we want to package them in bullet bags, and offer them free to customers to put in their garden.
So, i don't have much to say on the topic of today. Actually, i have something to say about having nothing to say. I have a problem with my inability to be articulate at the times i need to ask someone for advice. when you are frusterated, could it be termed articulatory suppression? i dunno...anyways, i wan't to be able to sit down with others and describe what's going on....and i'm finding lately i can't. this leads to a whirlwind of frusteration because i wan't to always be able to communicate with other people. if i went back to school and wanted to study other things, i would choose latin literature and ancient roman history. i want to read to dictionary sometimes and find words that can best fit the moments i have in my head and in my heart. if you are a passionate person, i feel its important you promote that through proper english, but keep your slang, because that also paints a picture to how you are feeling at ANY time. the art of passionate expression, YAYYA!...any other suggestions?
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