The summer is continuing, in some sickly heat. The latter half of this past month has been pretty amazing! Meagan and I have been talking about looking for a new co-ed choir to join here in the city, and went through some of our old music the other day. Choirs make me feel like I am a part of something beautiful, if I don't already get that after a day with my friends or family. I know that I am, but to hear how so many voices can come together under a composer and a conductor, is something you have to try out for yourself! Aside from the choir hunt, I have been visiting alot of my past this month as well, which has been fun...i guess. I saw Kieran this past weekend with Meagan. I got a good feeling after seeing him because there were like 4 things I had really wanted to talk to him about since I last saw him. Just about the world cup, the T&T vs. England game, his family, his trip etc. We will be hanging out again soon, and I am the most thankful for that! I'm glad we can now just talk and have a chance to hang out minus the whole earth shattering sexual chemistry thing, because he's one of the coolest people I know, and its SO hard when you cant see past your hormones.
We also got our family together, and went through some of my grandpa's belongings and claimed the things that meant something before it was sold.
I want to do something before this summer ends. I was thinking about it last night. I have a weeks opportunity to either spend most of the time in Toronto, Hamilton and Guelph with a few friends, but I want to gather some people, and maybe go on a camping trip, ride our bikes out somewhere near water? Ideas? Takers?
Toronto with Calvin and his friends was WICKED, forgot to mention. I tried to post something after that weekend, but it...never...happened? The Sunday that we went, was a high quality day filled with a new scene, creative minds, good music, and good food. Calvin did cranes'n'cranes and it turned alot of heads although I dont think that was the point, but instead to come to some familiar surroundings, see some old friends and to get into his comfort zone with certain things.
He painted, we watched, then walked, then ate. Avacado salad and spring rolls ladies and gents, with some kick ass home made dressings.
Then after C man was done, we went to his old restaurant and ate some amazing thai food.
The sky was beautiful on the way back.
I took a picture of Avery, and he was drinking the sky.
I love Toronto, and road trips, YAY!
Anyways, I felt I should write something since this little guy has yet to get started.
Calvin, can I mail my cat to you in a cat carrier, and then I'll mail me over after? I will miss you :( WAIT! We still have a month ;)
Okayyy, so bye and don't forget to go see the new will movie, coming to theatres Saturday. Your gonna wanna!
bye byeee
oh...the pictures: 1) Calvin at style in progress 2) Avery drinking the sky 3) Meagan and I singing since birth
Just some images thus far.
1 comment:
I fell in love with your cat last night. as soon as I get a job and a home in victoria, I REALLY want you to send me him,
and you as well,
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